In the year 2025 corresponds to the zodiac signs of Snake, Pig, Monkey, and Tiger. It is advisable for individuals born under these signs, Snake, Pig, Monkey, and Tiger, to perform Tai Sui appeasement, to enhance positive energy and pray for blessings to dispel misfortune.
眾海師父開示 “安太歲”
The practice of 安太歲 (Ān Tàisuì), or "Tai Sui appeasement," originates from traditional Chinese beliefs related to the Tai Sui (太岁), which refers to the Grand Duke Jupiter or the God of the Year. In Chinese astrology, Tai Sui is associated with the cycle of the zodiac and is thought to influence a person’s fortune during a particular year. The belief is that if an individual’s zodiac sign clashes with Tai Sui in a given year, it could lead to bad luck, illness, or misfortune.
The concept of 安太歲 (Tai Sui appeasement) is rooted in the idea that one can mitigate or avoid the negative effects of this clash by performing rituals, offerings, or prayers to pacify Tai Sui. The practice typically involves visiting temples, making offerings to Tai Sui, or using amulets and charms, especially during the Lunar New Year period. These acts are believed to help ward off bad luck, resolve conflicts, and ensure a smooth and prosperous year.
This tradition has been followed for centuries and is especially significant for individuals born under zodiac signs that are believed to clash with the year's Tai Sui, providing a sense of protection and reassurance.
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